How Can I Lower My Electric Bill With Baseboard Heat?

Are you sick and tired of getting an outrageous electricity bill every month? If so, then it might be time to adjust the temperature on your baseboard heat …or get one of the best plug in baseboard heaters!

But how can I lower my electric bill with baseboard heat?

Well, we’ve got all the answers right here. So sit back, relax, and get ready to find out how to lower those pesky electric bills with some simple tweaks to your baseboard heating system.

How Can I Lower My Electric Bill With Baseboard Heat?

You can lower your electric bill with baseboard heat by following the steps below:

1. Lower the temperature. This is probably the most obvious way to lower your electric bill, but it really works! Try setting your baseboard heat to a few degrees lower than what you’re used to and see how much of an impact it has on your bills.

2. Invest in a programmable thermostat. A programmable thermostat can help you regulate the temperature throughout the day and night so that you don’t have to keep adjusting it manually all the time. Plus, they come with pre-programmed settings that make sure your home’s climate stays just right without wasting any electricity or heating bills.

3. Use insulation around the pipes if needed. If you find that your baseboard heating system is especially inefficient, then you may need to add insulation around the pipes. Doing this can help keep the heat in and lower your electric bill.

4. Clean your baseboards regularly. Keeping them clean can help improve their efficiency as well as reduce wear and tear on the system, thus making it work more efficiently and saving you money on electricity bills in the long run.

5. Reduce drafts. In a drafty home, your baseboard heaters may overcompensate for the cold air that comes in regularly. You can keep your home warm by sealing up any cracks around the windows and doors. As a result, your baseboard heaters will heat the room quickly.

6. Pick the right cover. Using the right baseboard heater cover can further boost the efficiency of your hot water baseboard heater. Make sure your baseboard cover is made from a quality material like steel so that the heat can pass through. In addition, a heater cover makes your baseboard heaters look nice.

With a combination of all these tips, you should be able to see some real savings each month.

What Is the Most Efficient Way to Use Baseboard Heaters?

The most efficient way to use baseboard heaters is to keep the temperature set at 72 degrees. 

This allows you to turn off the system earlier and conserve energy while still keeping your home comfortable. Additionally, you should avoid setting the temperature too high or too low as this will cause your energy bill to soar.

You may be asking: “Why not too low?” Well, that’s because the lower your heating, the faster your room gets colder, and when your room gets colder, you’ll have to either use the baseboard heater for far longer, or set it to higher to get back to ideal temperature.

Finally, it’s also important to regularly check and maintain your baseboard heaters so that they are in good working order and aren’t wasting any energy.

What Temperature Should Baseboard Heat Be Set at to Save Electricity?

For the most efficient use of your baseboard heating system, it is recommended that you set the baseboard heat temperature at 72 degrees. This will help you save energy and reduce your electricity bill over time. Of course, you can always adjust the temperature up or down depending on how hot or cold you feel in your home to suit your comfort. Just remember to always keep moderation in mind when it comes to setting the temperature of your baseboard heaters. Following these simple tips will help ensure that you get the most out of your baseboard heating system and save a bundle on your electric bills.

Also read: Do Plug in Heaters Save Money?